Central America

The nations of Central America:

1. GUATEMALA - Land of Eternal Spring
Tikal Guatemala
The largest Central American nation in terms of population, Guatemala is a place of great beauty. The stunningly beautiful lakes and volcanoes of Guatemala have been the scene of massacres and repression for centuries. Dictators like Rafael Carrera and Jose Efrain Rios Montt ruled the land with an iron fist. Guatemala also has the most significant native population of all of Central America.

2. BELIZE - Island of Diversity
Great Blue Hole, Belize
Great Blue Hole, Belize
Once part of Guatemala, Belize was occupied for a while by the British and was known as British Honduras. Belize is a small, laid-back nation where the vibe is more Caribbean than Central American. It is a popular tourist destination, featuring Mayan ruins, nice beaches and world-class SCUBA diving.

3. EL SALVADOR - Central America in Maniature
Metropolitan Cathedral of El Salvador
Metropolitan Cathedral of El Salvador
El Salvador, though one of the world's smaller countries, holds numerous elements of the rest of the Central American region - in miniature. Its proponents claim that the country's ancient Maya sites, volcanoes, jungles, and beaches rival those of its neighbors, while the hospitality of its people is unmatched anywhere in the world. And because of its size, every attraction is easily accessible.

4. HONDURAS - Ruins and Diving
Roatan Honduras
Though Honduras has a history of conflict, an ever-increasing amount of travelers are discovering the country's abundant attractions. Drawing the most visitors are the Caribbean Bay Islands, Utila and Roatan, boasting some of the cheapest and best Scuba Diving in the world. Honduras is also home to the captivating Mayan ruins at Copan, a stunning natural landscape, and a welcoming population.

5. COSTA RICA - Oasis of Tranquility
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve
Costa Rica is the most popular destination in Central America for a reason. Though small in size, the country contains 5 percent of the world's biodiversity. For travelers, that means countless pristine beaches, tumbling jungles, and abundant flora and fauna. To top it all off, Costa Rica boasts a amiable society founded upon kicking back and enjoying the scenery.

6. NICARAGUA - Natural Beauty
Masaya Volcano NICARAGUA
Masaya Volcano
Nicaragua is off the beaten path for the typical traveler, and yet contains some of the world's most captivating scenery. Home to the second largest rainforest in the Americas, and the largest freshwater volcanic island in the world, Nicaragua's land mass holds 7 percent of the earth's biodiversity. After years of unrest, Nicaragua is emerging as the new Costa Rica, at a fraction of the expense.

7. PANAMA - Land of Canal
Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Once part of Colombia, Panama always has been and always will be defined by the famous canal that links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Panama itself is a land of great natural beauty and is a growing visitor destination.